Focus on 4CAT
Ths showcase has two different goals:
- Exemplary presentation of the collection of
Reddit data using the RedditExtractoR package
- Importing and analyzing the data collected with the ππ 4CAT ππ (Peeters & Hagen, 2022) tool.
Data collection with RedditExtractor
Reddit Extractor is an R package for extracting data out of Reddit. It allows you to:
- find subreddits based on a search query
- find a user and their Reddit history
- find URLs to threads of interest and retrieve comments out of these threads
Unfortunately, the functions of the RedditExtractoR
package can NOT be executed during the Markdown creation process and must be reproduced βliveβ.
Therefore, there will be no output for the next two paragraphs.
Example: Find subreddits
Similar to the example from the seminar, the function find_subreddits
identifies all subreddits that contain the keyword news either in their name or in their attributes.
# Get list of subreddits
<- find_subreddits("news")
# Quick preview of the dataset
%>% glimpse()
# Arrange subreddits by subscribers
news arrange(-subscribers) %>%
tibble() %>% head()
Example: Find thread URLs
# Get list of top thread urls
<- find_thread_urls(
news_top_urls subreddit = "news",
sort_by = "top",
period = "month"
# Quick preview of dataset
%>% glimpse()
news_top_urls %>% tibble() news_top_urls
Analysis of collected ππ 4CAT ππ data
A detailed description about the collection of the data (in the form of a concrete application example) can be found in the slides of the associated session.
Load data into local environment
# load packages
# get data from github
<- read_csv(
musk here("content/06-api_access-reddit/data.local/4cat-reddit_news-musk_complete.csv"))
<- read_csv(
musk_entities here("content/06-api_access-reddit/data.local/4cat-reddit_news-musk-named_entities.csv"))
# Anonymization of potentially sensitive information
<- musk %>%
musk_hash mutate(
body, author
parent), ~ v_digest(.)))
# quick preview
%>% glimpse() musk_hash
Rows: 4,838
Columns: 16
$ thread_id <chr> "fa3188370daf15e630f9121ab7e1ff76", "e00fff6599660fbfd7β¦
$ id <chr> "0427331b4ed6b36be917779e839c732f", "9465790a781133af6bβ¦
$ timestamp <dttm> 2022-11-14 00:13:59, 2022-11-14 01:11:53, 2022-11-14 0β¦
$ body <chr> "a82402045c5afcce8e1e20c9d3d7978a", "f07ff47103d975865aβ¦
$ subject <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,β¦
$ author <chr> "736bbd33d9055a81d41f1f0aa12859c2", "89a6bdaaa7351e189aβ¦
$ author_flair <chr> "9c63023a4dad721af7dc04902c9ddecb", "9c63023a4dad721af7β¦
$ post_flair <chr> "9b09f05e8ca418b2b85266625985528b", "9b09f05e8ca418b2b8β¦
$ domain <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,β¦
$ url <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,β¦
$ image_file <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,β¦
$ image_md5 <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,β¦
$ subreddit <chr> "worldnews", "news", "news", "news", "news", "news", "nβ¦
$ parent <chr> "e1ef5b33cbd8891c1a005cf5521d1408", "e342d97798ff809247β¦
$ score <dbl> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1β¦
$ unix_timestamp <dbl> 1668384839, 1668388313, 1668391383, 1668391676, 1668391β¦
%>% glimpse() musk_entities
Rows: 3,633
Columns: 3
$ word <chr> "musk", "twitter", "twitter", "elon musk", "tesla", "trump", "tβ¦
$ entity <chr> "PERSON", "PERSON", "PRODUCT", "PRODUCT", "ORG", "ORG", "GPE", β¦
$ count <dbl> 1147, 861, 479, 404, 345, 273, 222, 218, 205, 187, 154, 132, 13β¦
Messages including βmuskβ over time
The following graphics (and especially their labels) may appear very small. To view the graphics in their original size, right-click on the images and select βOpen image/graphic in new tabβ.
# Display
musk mutate(date = as.factor(date(timestamp))) %>%
date,title = "Post including 'musk' on Reddit") +
labs(subtitle = "Subreddits 'news' & 'worldnews' between 14-11 and 26-11-2022")
By subreddit
musk mutate(
date = as.factor(date(timestamp)),
across(subreddit, as.factor)
) plot_grpfrq(
subreddit,title = "Post including 'musk' on Reddit") +
labs(subtitle = "Between 14-11 and 26-11-2022")